Monday, December 22, 2008

Please God Make Them Stop!!!

There's just no good reason for this. Who's paying for this ridiculous shizzle? You know they aren't doing it on their own. They are probably straining the generosity of the families and parishoners. It's selfish and stupid. I think we need to get a vasecotomy AND tubes tied ASAFP!!!

Hey, I've got an idea... instead of the Duggars they could go all anal and change their name to the Buggers. Then they can give birth several times a day without straining the budget of their entire community. Let's pitch in and send a family size tub of lube for Christmas to get the ball rolling!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I knew I smelled a Rat... or maybe a septic tank

Joe the Plumber: McCain "Appalled Me," Made Me Feel "Dirty"

What a gigantic load of shit! Can you believe this moron? This whole story stunk to the heavens from day one. I am just glad the truth is out there. And as for his comment about Sarah Palin being "the real deal"... you know he's just holding out for four years to see if he can hit that.

This guy is high on the list for Douchenozzle of the year. Actually, I think I am going to create a special honor and name him ...

DoucheNozzle Enemameritus

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Please Explain This To Me

I like my morning coffee with a little sugar.  It's a simple thing really.  Coffee and about a teaspoon and a half of sugar.  Yet every time I stop at the local McDowell's for a McMuffin and I ask for coffee with sugar, I get either coffee with cream, or more often than not, coffee with sugar AND cream?

It it so difficult for the "knowledge workers" in the establishment to get the order right?  They get the food right most of the time, so why not the coffee?

That's all...  Douchenozzles!

Oh yeah...