Tuesday, July 15, 2008

July 15, 2008 Jesse

Today's Douchenozzle of the day award goes to Jesse Jackson for his astounding footbullet on Fox News. (A place he should never have stepped foot in in the first place!) I am a few days behind the event but this is my first post and this still eclipses all since so...

Here's the clip: (steeples his fingers)


This blowhard has been irrelevant for 20 years! He should take his ill-gotten gains and slink off to some forgotten corner of the country where he can drink unicorn's blood to regain his powers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YessireeBob, Jesse "Hawkin' Loogies in Whitey's Lemonade since 1956" Jackson is INDEED a DOUCHE NOZZLE!