Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Work titles are the "grade inflation" of adult life

I should just leave this post with the subject and let it float in the mist like a nugget of Lao Tzu. Well that's really kinda pompous of me to compare myself to that great Philosopher, but whatever.. you get my drift I think.

Grade inflation is what happens when any one or more of the following are true:

  • Parental expectations exceed the limits of their spawn's natural abilities or desire
  • Unreasonable metrics are applied to classroom performance expectations
  • Schools attempt to lure prospective students with phony claims of achievement (mostly private schools)
  • Schools attempt to make their student population look more attractive to colleges (see 3.)

All of these scenarios have one thing in common. They all exist to bolster the arguably false hopes of someone, whether students, parents, administrators, etc..

Titles in business are basically the same thing. They are a bone that managers throw at you to make you think they have real confidence in you. Conversly, they satisfy your need to feel important.

For those of you reading this, ask yourself the following question:

  • Did my promotion to Director/Supervisor/Coordinator/etc... come with a considerable pay increase?
If you didn't know that being promoted to "Director of __________," was all designed to keep ol' Lumberg from having to pay you more, sorry... you've been had!

For those of you who have been laboring with that title and doing a great job, there's more bad news for you. The proliferation of bogus job titles has peed in the pool! People with half your talents and brains are out there looking for the plum jobs that you deserve!

Hope this brightens your day!

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