Saturday, August 23, 2008

Ron Paul Fanboys and Girls Need to Give It Up

Ron Paul is not going to be our next president. That's a big Neg-A-Tory. Sorry. Wanting it won't make it happen.
Spend some time on and you'll see what I mean. There are still people out there who think its possible for him to win the election. I am dumbfounded by this. He was visible throughout the primaries. People were exposed to his message and he said some very provocative things, but he didn't even pull Perot numbers and Perot was a bit of a nut.
It's time for the camera to pan out so you can the see the "I Am The Cheese" revelation that will allow you to move on with your lives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Agreed. It's sad that there are people out there that STILL think he can win. He can't...won't happen. However, a CRITICAL part of what you wrote is that his MESSAGE got out. I think that there are hundreds of thousands of people (dare I say...millions!!!) who were affected by that message and are better people, citizens and more active in local politics and civics than they ever would have been before. THEY are continuing the message. In my opinion that message is a good thing. Some people need to stop with the cult of personality though. It was never about the man,it was ALWAYS about the message! You know who I am! ;)