Sunday, July 20, 2008

Blue Laws: making me feel "not so fresh"

The county in which I live is chock full of christian conservatives.  Decades ago they voted to make it illegal to purchase alcoholic beverages on Sunday, doubtless because it was "the Lord's Day."  These kinds of legislation are called "Blue Laws."
Blue laws are stupid.  There is not one good reason to have them.  I am "free, white and 21", if I want to have a malted beverage on a Sunday its no one's business.  It's also not constitutional to enact legislation that supports a groups religious beliefs.  To protect religious beliefs is different, but these laws are in essence forcing retailers to comply with the religious beliefs of a segment of society 
I can't even imagine one cogent arguement in support of these laws. 
Fortunately the county right next to us does not have the same laws.  You can buy alcohol after Noon.  Aparently it's OK to get hammered after church but not before.  This is stupid because drunk people get all maudlin and tip really well.  The drunk tithe is a tithe without consideration of tomorrow or budgeting.  I say, go for it!! 
The irony of this is that no one that I know thinks these laws are a good idea!  The politicians are all too afraid to take on any law, no matter how ludicrous, if there is the slightest chance that they might be associated with the negative aspect of it in any way.  Vote to repeal blue laws and you're an alcoholic.  Strike those laws about oral and anal sex from the books and you become a gay, child-molesting, rapist/pervert.  WTF?!?
This is Douche-baggery at its finest!!

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