Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The News Is Not Good

A striking and rather upsetting realization came to me while watching the O.J. trial and I continue to be struck by it when reading the news: In a jury trial, the most important things a lawyer can do is a: find a jury made up of the most credulous morons the municipality can dredge up, and b: repeat something as often as possible until the jury starts to believe it, based not on proof, but simply because they've heard it so many times. How fucking sad is that!

Thanks to our spineless politicians and the ad revenue-obsessed news media, the general public falls for this shit over and over because no one has the balls to call a spade a shovel.

It's a sad commentary that all these years after the dark ages and the time of kings, the jesters are still the only ones who can speak the truth without reprisals. John Stewart and Stephen Colbert deliver perhaps the most trustworthy news on television. And they thought they were doing comedy.

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