Monday, December 22, 2008

Please God Make Them Stop!!!

There's just no good reason for this. Who's paying for this ridiculous shizzle? You know they aren't doing it on their own. They are probably straining the generosity of the families and parishoners. It's selfish and stupid. I think we need to get a vasecotomy AND tubes tied ASAFP!!!

Hey, I've got an idea... instead of the Duggars they could go all anal and change their name to the Buggers. Then they can give birth several times a day without straining the budget of their entire community. Let's pitch in and send a family size tub of lube for Christmas to get the ball rolling!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I knew I smelled a Rat... or maybe a septic tank

Joe the Plumber: McCain "Appalled Me," Made Me Feel "Dirty"

What a gigantic load of shit! Can you believe this moron? This whole story stunk to the heavens from day one. I am just glad the truth is out there. And as for his comment about Sarah Palin being "the real deal"... you know he's just holding out for four years to see if he can hit that.

This guy is high on the list for Douchenozzle of the year. Actually, I think I am going to create a special honor and name him ...

DoucheNozzle Enemameritus

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Please Explain This To Me

I like my morning coffee with a little sugar.  It's a simple thing really.  Coffee and about a teaspoon and a half of sugar.  Yet every time I stop at the local McDowell's for a McMuffin and I ask for coffee with sugar, I get either coffee with cream, or more often than not, coffee with sugar AND cream?

It it so difficult for the "knowledge workers" in the establishment to get the order right?  They get the food right most of the time, so why not the coffee?

That's all...  Douchenozzles!

Oh yeah...

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Where Do They Find These People?

What the fuck dude!?!

I have gay friends.  Respectable, normal people who like the peen.  I have no problem with that.  They can even get married as far as I'm concerned, but bitches like this one have GOT TO GO.

Were I gay man and I ran into this little queen, I would rip him a new one... which he could probably use.  His brand of queeny, uncle Tom-foolery is why some people hate the queer nation.

Watch his riduculous paroxyms of hap-penis over winning this make-up contest show thingie:

Monday, November 10, 2008

Joe Lieberman

Joe Lieberman used to be a Democrat, but he was beaten in the Dem. primary so he switched to Independant, now he might as well come out of the closet and go full on Republican. He already spent half the year with his toungue up McCain's ass.

Nothing says vote/power whore quite like that!

The people of Connecticutt's asses must be sore 'cuz "Back door" Joe forgot to lube up. He is a douchenozzle!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Every President Needs His Billie Carter...

Apparently Barack Obama is no exception to this rule. There are already two candidates driving hard for the hoop to fill that role and win the coveted spot on on Obama's coat tails.
The first out of the gate this week was one of the country's most tallented and loud-spoken race baiters. None other than Louis Farrakhan

Farrakhan suggested he would keep a low profile in the campaign, despite his enthusiasm for Obama.

"That's why you have never heard me make any comment," he explained. "I love that brother, and I want to see that brother successful. I don't want to say anything that would hurt that brother, and I don't want them to use me or the Nation of Islam."

Returning to the theme that Obama is a mystical figure, Farrakhan said, he "is not the Messiah for sure, but anytime he gives you a sign of uniting races, ethnic groups, ideologies, religions and makes people feel a sense of oneness, that's not necessarily Satan's work, that is, I believe, the work of God."

I love it that he says he has shied away from commenting because he doesn't want to say anything to hurt that brother... he doesn't "want them to use me or the Nation of Islam." Like the mere act of opening his mouth in support of anyone doesn't cast a pall over them in the public eye!

Hey Dr., if you really want to hook a brother up, you should just shut the fuck up!

This next part is my favorite.

"anytime he gives you a sign of uniting races, ethnic groups, ideologies,
religions and makes people feel a sense of oneness, that's
Satan's work. "

Not necessarily? WTF is that supposed to mean? Apparently all those good sounding things are the tools of the Devil, the White Devil I think is what he means.

Gee Lou, ... thanks for the endorsement. I guess.

Not to be outdone, out pops the patron saint of opportunism, Rev. Jesse Jackson. Not one to let his previous indiscretions with an open mic impede his boot-lickin', Jesse weighed in on the life and times of Barack Obama in the way only another oppressed and down-trodden black man can:

Jackson warns that he isn't an Obama confidant or adviser, "just a supporter."
But he adds that Obama has been "a neighbor or, better still, a member of the
family." Jackson's son has been a close friend of Obama for years, and Jackson's
daughter went to school with Obama's wife Michelle.

"We helped him start his career," says Jackson. "And then we were always there to help him move ahead. He is the continuation of our struggle for justice not only for the black people but also for all those who have been wronged."

Will Obama's election close the chapter of black grievances linked to memories of slavery? The reverend takes a deep breath and waits a long time before responding.

"No, that chapter won't be closed," he says. "However, Obama's victory will be a huge step
in the direction we have wanted America to take for decades."

Jackson rejects any suggestion that Obama was influenced by Marxist ideas in his youth. "I see no evidence of that," he says. "Obama's thirst for justice and equality is rooted in his black culture."
But is Obama - who's not a descendant of slaves - truly a typical American black? Jackson emphatically answers yes: "You don't need to be a descendant of slaves to experience the oppression, the suffocating injustice and the ugly racism that exists in our society," he says.

"Obama experienced the same environment as all American blacks did. It was nonsense to suggest that he was somehow not black enough to feel the pain."

".. a neighbor, or better still, a member of the family." I get the feeling that was supposed to be inner dialog. He was weighing which was the best way to paint their relationship to the outside world and his thoughts just kinda slipped out!

My personal hope is that if Barack Obama wins this election, his victory serves as the nails in the coffins of both of these douchenozzles' perceived cultural relevency. The rhetoric of rage and oppression, one that Obama does not preach, is precisly what needs to end in this country. It benefits no one and serves only as an impediment to hope.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Socialists Are Taking Over The Country

I heard the clip below in the car on my way home from work and thought; What a douche!

Basically this cheesehead is mad because people aren't voting the way he wants them to.  In the words of Randy Marsh, "Isn't this America?  I thought this was America?"  

What I find exquisitely amusing is that he's doing it at a rally for the man who recently proposed the largest socialisty action I can think of.  McCain is proposing to buyout the mortgages of those who over bought and then let them refinance at a reasonable rate.  Where do you suppose the money to do this will come from?  It's coming out of our pockets regardless of the methodolgy.  Either they're taking it in taxes or they're printing the money to do it which will devalue our currency so regardless we're fucked!  

Here's the Douchenozzle in action:

McCain says:  "Americans are angry sir.  They are angry and frustrated."

No shit moron!  That's why the Right is losing this election.

Then he launches into voter fraud.  He's already hedging!

The thing that actually disturbs me about this guy is that he is serious in saying that he thinks the will of the people is being thwarted.  There are people out there who think their idea of how the country should be governed supercedes that of the rest of the voting public.  They are the Timothy McVeighs of this country.  

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cindy McCain Can Talk!?!

Dammit! There goes so many men's fantasy of the perfect woman.
Let's break it down:

  • She's hot
  • Her dad owns a huge beer distribution company
  • She's rich as hell
  • She never talks
Well we can scratch that last one! Apparently she managed to squeeze out a few words without cracking her makeup the other day, and here's what she said:

Barack Obama is running "the dirtiest campaign in American history."
As Sheila B. would say: Wha-Wha-What!?!

This coming from the woman married to John McCain. The McCain campaign has done almost nothing but criticize and tell outright lies about Obama. Oh well. What can you do.

Here's the story:

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Why It's OK, Even Preferable, for Conservative Christians to Vote Democrat

This is a little different from my normal fare. Please bear with me...

It's pretty much a forgone conclusion that if you are a conservative Christian you will vote Republican. As near as I can tell the only two reasons for this are abortion and prayer in schools. These issues will not be settled by the Executive branch of the government. It is only through the striking down the legal precedents or through constitutional amendments that these can be changed. Of course the other avenue would be to stack the Supreme Court with jurists whom we believe would vote a certain way. That is a tricky job however as judges can not and do not vote their conscience, they tend to stick to the constitution and vote accordingly. What other reasons are there for voting Republican if you are a Christian? Are there reasons you shouldn't vote Republican? Where is the balance?

The Republicans believe that we should give tax breaks to the richest people in the country and allow "Faith-based" groups to take care of the poor. Does it make sense for the burden of the country's poor to fall on the minority? The percentage of people in the U.S. who identify themselves as Christians, according to a 2000 Census Bureau report make up 47.4% of the population, with Jewish people at a scant 2.2%.** Clearly there is no way that Faith-based groups can take the place of the Government in caring for the poor in this country. There is no doubt that these dollars could be spent more wisely, but the burden has to fall on ALL of the taxpayers!

There is precedent in the words and deeds of Christ and his disciples that giving to the poor was preferable to being wealthy. The one notable exception was his words to Judas about the poor:

12:8 For the poor always ye have with you; but me ye have not always.
(King James Bible, John)

So I guess that means if you happen to have a prophet in your midst who is about to be killed, you don't have to feel bad about springing for the name brand Root Beer instead of the Fanta. Fair enough.

OK, a few more quotes:

14:13 But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind: 14:14 And thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee: for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just.
(King James Bible, Luke)

18:22 Now when Jesus heard these things, he said unto him, Yet lackest thou one thing: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me.

18:23 And when he heard this, he was very sorrowful: for he was very rich.

18:24 And when Jesus saw that he was very sorrowful, he said, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God! 18:25 For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.


19:8 And Zacchaeus stood, and said unto the Lord: Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold.

19:9 And Jesus said unto him, This day is salvation come to this house, forsomuch as he also is a son of Abraham.
(King James Bible, Luke)

There's a consistent message here: The poor need the help of those who have more. This translates pretty easily into a socio-economic theory that takes into account that we are, in fact, our brothers' keepers. Prior to 1929 no one in this country had ever seen a complete monetary system collapse to the degree it did. In the early days of the USA we always had the British pound to fall back on when the Continental currency collapsed. Perhaps the only close event took place in the Confederate South after the Civil War when their currency became worthless. The difference again was that there was a stable alternative, however thin on the ground it might have been.

The Founding Fathers did not include any sort of social programs for the poor. This is a fact. Countless other things were not accounted for as well. They left it up to the Legislative branch to make the necessary provisions, which we eventually did with the New Deal.

The Republican Party like to refer to the New Deal programs as entitlements. That word has a pejorative connotation as it implies getting something for nothing. Charity is also getting something for nothing. There is a difference between a gift and a favor. A gift is given with no strings attached. A favor is something you do for someone with the understanding that they owe you in return.

Jesus did both. He healed people, multiplied the loaves and fishes, etc. Those were gifts. When he told the prostitute "Go and sin no more." that was a favor. He expects her to clean up her act.

I wouldn't deign to suggest that Jesus would be a member of one party or an other. My guess is that He would not affiliate himself with either party. I would expect that He would be in favor of helping the poor and for the rich to be the primary engine of that help. The Republican party demonizes anyone who advocates for the poor by referring to their programs as entitlement-based, as Governor Palin did in the recent Vice Presidential debate. Do you think Jesus would demonize those who advocate for the poor?

Jesus worked at ground level. Face to face with the people. Like a social worker. He had nothing. The apostles gave up everything at His request to follow him. Wealth was not on their radar. Now I am not suggesting that having money is bad, on the contrary! But I do know from my own experience that there is no better feeling than the one that comes from helping others. I gladly pay my taxes knowing that there are people out there whose children are being fed, and whose basic needs are being cared for. I volunteer as well because you can't just throw money at some problems.

If you are still balking at the first paragraph, remember that as a constituent, you have a voice in what your elected officials do, be they Republicans or Democrats. In the end, wouldn't you rather align yourself with the party whose goals are closer to the words of Jesus than one whose goals are just to save you a few dollars in taxes?


Saturday, October 4, 2008

See photo

Thursday, September 25, 2008

What is the difference between a single issue voter and a whore?

A single-issue voter WILL love you long-time and allow you to penetrate any orifice whenever without protection. (Covered in genital warts, for HER pleasure!) They'll even bring along an old college roommate for a three-way at no extra cost!

Say you want prayer back in schools? That'll only cost you a few thousand dead soldiers and civilians. And a wrecked economy.

I am just gob-smacked when I hear people justify having someone like Sarah Palin as VP because they want some issue protected or removed. What - the - fuck???

That's all I have to day about that.

Monday, September 15, 2008

"End Times" dipshits are tipping their hands.. that they are crazy

Munger also asked Palin if she truly believed in the End of Days, the doomsday scenario when the Messiah will return. "She looked in my eyes and said, 'Yes, I think I will see Jesus come back to earth in my lifetime.'"

Didja ever notice how all these "end of days" morons are certain its going to happen in their lifetime?  Doesn't this smack just a little of hubris?  I mean honestly!  It's just like the idjits that insist they were Joan of Arc or Martin Luther in a past life.  I'd like to get a few of them in the same room at the same time and watch 'em duke it out.  

nutjob #1: "I was Maid Marion!" 
nutjob #2 : "I beg to differ, I was Maid Marion"
Shirley Maclaine: "As much as you ladyes would like to believe you were Maid Marion, I can prove without a shadow of a doubt that you were not."

Slap fight ensues.....

Chances are really good that you weren't anybody who any of us would know about.  If there is any re-incarnation actually going on you were more likely to have been "Bob the crippled"  or Jean du visage de l'oiseaux, (bird-faced johnny) or "Farts by the fire."  Get over yourselves people!!

These kinds of beliefs are just self-referential, masturbatory bullshit in the guise of inspired religious truth.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Creationists, Like The Republican Party's New V.P. pick, are douche nozzles

Today I would like to talk about why Creationists are nozzles. The easy answer would be to point out that they are fundamentalists, and all fundamentalists are douche nozzles. I would however like to expound upon my opinionations on this subject. Here goes:

I have no problems with the Bible. I consider myself to be a faithful person. I do not, however believe that every word in the Bible is a literal representation of the events that took place through the period of history that the Bible covers. This is where I part company with the Creationists. They believe that God actually spoke, and creation occurred. OK, let's think about this for a second. When God speaks, what sort of language does he use? How big is His mouth? These are valid questions if you assume the verses in Genesis that outline the creation are actually true. It's either all literal or it's not. You can't simply draw the line where it pleases you to do so, that's called interpretation and it leads to error and perdition!

There are huge amounts of scientific data that point toward the Earth being much older than 4,000 years. One would have to take the stance that God created the Earth with many of the processes that we know to take thousands, hundreds of thousands, or millions of years already in progress. Canyons already partially formed. Mountains already windblown. Declining species already in a state of decline and rising ones already on the way up. More to the point, you would have to assume that every scientific fact that counts towards the nullification of the literal interpretation of the creation story would have to have been accounted for in the act of creation. So what, right? God is all powerful, he could surely do that if He chose to. If you admit that to be the case you have just stated that evolution was a process created by God himself. You are now in contradiction. 

Evolution itself is a fact.  You could save face by admitting that God created the world and evolution is a natural process that resulted from that creation.  Then you could teach creationism AND evolution in your privately funded Church/Home schools.  That way if your beloved spawn make it to college, they won't be mistaken for trailor trash because they weren't properly educated.

The other reason I find this extremly implausible is that it's not consistent with other things in the Bible itself. If God created Adam and Eve and they were the first humans to grace the Earth, where did all the other people come from? Did Cain take turns impregnating his sisters or Adam his daughters? Gross right?!? There were other civilizations in the Bible that existed concurrently with those of the direct descendants of Adam and Eve. Not too mention the fact that Europe, Asia, Africa Australia, North and South America were also populated by humans. There simply wasn't the time or the technology in place to allow mankind to spread from a single point to other, remote continents given the timetable they propose.

As a creationist, you are saying that facts mean nothing to you. The world is on a set of train tracks laid by God that nothing can alter. The future is fixed. So much for free will. This is Douche Nozzlery at its finest!

Monday, August 25, 2008

David Mamet's dialogue makes me want to scream

Every couple of months, I am forced by some cruel twist of chance or fate to think about David Mamet. When this happens I invariably have the same reaction... RAGE. This guy drives me crazy!

He is a great storyteller, something very rare, but his dialogue is God-awful! Some people talk about him like he's God but I can barely sit through the torturous moments of his characters and their completely unrealistic yammering. Case in point. I pulled this from Wikipedia as an example. It's from Glen Garry/Glen Ross:

Moss: No. What do you mean? Have I talked to him about this [Pause]
Aaronow: Yes. I mean are you actually talking about this, or are we just...
Moss: No, we're just...
Aaronow: We're just "talking" about it.
Moss: We're just speaking about it. [Pause] As an idea.
Aaronow: As an idea.
Moss: Yes.
Aaronow: We're not actually talking about it.
Moss: No.
Aaronow: Talking about it as a...
Moss: No.
Aaronow: As a robbery.
Moss: As a "robbery"? No.

Normal people don't make distinctions between talking and speaking. It's just silly. I get what he's trying to do, I just think the construction is totally artificial. Even great actors come off sounding wooden and stilted when they have to deliver dialog like this.

I had a discussion with one of the employees at my local Blockbuster about this and he just loves Mamet. Thinks he's the greatest screenplay writer going. Even likes the style of the dialogue! I am baffled. I told him I thought Quentin Tarantino's dialogue was a hundred times better, which it is, and he disagreed. Unbelievable! One could argue that Tarantino's dialog is bit too hip to be legit, but I know more people who talk the way his characters' do than the way Mamet's do and I was a philosophy major. Talk about stilted pompous dialogue... there were pipes involved. Pipes, I tell you!!

Well, I've gone on long enough about this. Hopefully the act of writing this down will bring me some measure of peace... at least until the next time.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Ron Paul Fanboys and Girls Need to Give It Up

Ron Paul is not going to be our next president. That's a big Neg-A-Tory. Sorry. Wanting it won't make it happen.
Spend some time on and you'll see what I mean. There are still people out there who think its possible for him to win the election. I am dumbfounded by this. He was visible throughout the primaries. People were exposed to his message and he said some very provocative things, but he didn't even pull Perot numbers and Perot was a bit of a nut.
It's time for the camera to pan out so you can the see the "I Am The Cheese" revelation that will allow you to move on with your lives.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Rupert Murdoch Is A Giant Tool

The subject of this Nozzlatory disquistion arose from an article on and a questions posed by one of the Diggers there:

"But seriously, what does this say about people and the media in general if they would rather watch Comedy ***** Central then news networks?"

It's obvious really. For the same reason I watch South Park. Behind the potty humor is a show that consistently takes on the current issues of the day and provides sane discourse on serious topics and insane discourse on the crap the media is obsessed with that doesn't deserve the air time People would rather watch Stewart and Colbert because mainstream news is no longer about journalism and hasn't been for some time. They manage to inform while they entertain. Additionally, dumbasses aren't watching these shows to begin with because they wouldn't get the humor, which is usually based on the facts of the stories.

I was employed in TV in the early 90s and noticed two distinct camps I call the journalists and the broadcasters. The former were passionate about journalism and the mission they had to bring the important, appropriate news to the people. The latter were more about ratings and making the jump to the larger market or they were just too young to understand what the implications of stories were to the audience. Asking a 22 year old line producer to make judgement calls about things they have no experience of is a recipe for disaster.

And while I'm at it... who really gives a shit what Cokie Roberts has to say about anything!?! Its just the DC insider people lubing up and strokin' their tools. The White House press corps members are hamstrung by their need for access to the players in the government... the newsman who tells the painfull truth will be shut out, so the answer is to "go along to get along."

Ultimately, I blame the British. That's right, the Brits and their damn tabloid journalism! That was the precursor to "A Current Affair" (which starred future douchnozzle extroadinaire, Bill O'Reilly) which spawned a whole other carcass full of maggots. You could argue that Rupert Murdoch is behind the lion's share of this and you'd be right... but remember, although he's Australian, he was educated in Britain and therefore kinda British. From Wikipedia: "When the daily newspaper The Sun entered the market in 1969, Murdoch acquired and converted it into a tabloid format, which by 2006 was selling three million copies per day." He did the same thing with the New York Post and also created that bastion of journalistic integrity STAR Magazine.

So, to return to the Daily Show, and the Colbert Report; There is more intelligent, insightful journalism hidden in the bits and gags contained therein than there is in most of the "mainstream" news shows. These shows will call a spade a shovel regardless of the politics involved. They are able to draw attention to the absurdities of our government in action precisely because they are not too close to the players to step on toes, and that's what real journalism does. It shows you the facts without regard to whom it will piss off.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Christian Parent's Answer to the Harry Potter Phenomenon Is A Giant Douche Novel!

Doesn't it make your skin crawl when some dillweed weenie tries to do something "for the kids" that is totally driven by their own obnoxious beleifs?  It's like watching I Love Lucy where you know she's about to do something really stupid and get into trouble why can't she see whats about to happen ahhhh!   Only in this case it's not funny.  This annoying bee-otch decided she needed to be the one to take on the Harry Peter books using Jeebus.  Having not read, and never intending to read this drivel I pronounce that it sucks!
How am I supposed to take anyone srsly who refers to people as "unchurched?"  WTF is that supposed to mean?!? A church is a building, not a belief system.  That's as bad as people who call things "impactful" like its a real word.
Here's the linkful of nozzlery right heaugh:

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Order to Forge Iraq-9/11 Letter Came On White House Stationery

It's time to impeach these bitches!!  I don't know what the GOP has on Pelosi but it must be good.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Earth is Flat


There are douche nozzles out there who think the Earth is not round and that photos from space were faked.  Apparently they never flew in a plane either.  It just goes to show you there are few limits to the stupidity of the determined!


Saturday, August 2, 2008

Barack Obama is elitist! Idiocracy in action.

Why does the press need to criticize people in the public eye whom it perceives to be "too smart?" Obama has been called elitist over and over again, and why? Because he doesn't spend his days in front of the TV drinking Bud Light from the can? Because he is educated?

It's as if the majority of people want a president who is just like them. And why not? An affable guy, C student, not some over intellectual lawyer type. Oh wait, that's what we have now. There's a common idiot in the White House now. How's that working for you?

Are we still in high school that we feel the need to chastise people for being too smart?

The truth of the matter is that there are few, if any players at the national level who have anything in common with "the common man." For starters, they are college grads.* Most of them have degrees in law. Most did well in school and would be considered over-achievers. The vast majority were wealthy when they started in politics the rest got that way along the road. Because it is their job, the good ones are well read on the issues, or at least well briefed.

When you think about it, the vast majority of presidents have been wildly "elitist" by today's standards. All of them could read, (even Jackson!), which set them apart from a sizable slice of the population.** They were educated past the one room schoolhouse stage. Some in their military careers, others in college. Meanwhile, this country still has a planned school absence timed with the sowing of crops known as Spring Break. How many farmers are in Congress now? My guess is none.

Stop being a Douche Nozzle and calling Obama an elitist becuase he's articulate, intelligent and has some level of sophistication. As far as past presidents go, he's in good company.

*According to the U.S. Census Bureau stats released in 2005:
The Northeast had the highest proportion of college graduates (30.9 percent), followed by the West (30.2 percent), the Midwest (26.0 percent) and the South (25.5 percent).
**From the National Assessment of Adult Literacy:
For the later part of this century the illiteracy rates have been relatively low, registering only about 4 percent as early as 1930. However, in the late 19th century and early 20th century, illiteracy was very common. In 1870, 20 percent of the entire adult population was illiterate, and 80 percent of the black population was illiterate. By 1900 the situation had improved somewhat, but still 44 percent of blacks remained illiterate. ....

Friday, August 1, 2008

Wal-Mart thinks it's employees are as stupid as it's customers

According to management, a vote for Obama is a vote for unions.

and I quote:

According to about a dozen Wal-Mart employees who attended such meetings in seven states, Wal-Mart executives claim that employees at unionized stores would have to pay hefty union dues while getting nothing in return, and may have to go on strike without compensation. Also, unionization could mean fewer jobs as labor costs rise.


"The meeting leader said, 'I am not telling you how to vote, but if the Democrats win, this bill will pass and you won't have a vote on whether you want a union,..."
Do they honestly think people will fall for this? Which graveyard did they go to to dig up a corpse who still thinks this is an effective personnel management technique!? This isn't pre-WWII Kentucky for God's sake!

I urge all Wal-Mart employees to run to the DVD section and get a copy of Norma Ray!

and here's the source code:

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

China is a big Douche Nozzle fa ra ra ra rahhh, ra rah rah rahhh

The Chinese government filters Internet traffic to stop people from viewing things that they disagree with.  For this, they are Nozzle-tastic!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Definitive proof that Fox News is a `bottom'

I can't believe this story!  It goes beyond what I thought was feasible.
The Bush administration regularly delivered "talking points memos" to Fox news to make sure their coverage was agreeable to the White House.  As the woman interviewed points out, this is illegal.  The government is not allowed to control the press for any reason and this is exactly what they did.  On top of that, the whores at Fox went along with it. 
Did we a get a clip?  Oh ok, roll the clip Jimmy...

There are so many reasons why this is wrong I don't even know where to start.  I am far from a political alarmist, but this is cause for alarm.  A goverment that controls the press is able to bury stories, spin them however they want and spread lies.  This is the same crap that went on in the former Soviet Union as well as in countries like China, Iraq under Saddam, Myanmar, Libya, etc...
Kucinich is right!  It's time to impeach Bush regardless of how much time is left in his presidency.  We should not allow this behavior to go unpunished!

I thought weed and chips worked well together?

This is a classic case of dumb-fuckery!  I love this guy.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Bush: 'No regime should ignore the will of its own people.'

'Nuff Said

In a statement regarding new sanctions against Zimbabwe today, President Bush declares that "no regime should ignore the will of its own people":

The regime has also continued its ban against NGO activities that would provide assistance to the suffering and vulnerable people of Zimbabwe. No regime should ignore the will of its own people and calls from the international community without consequences.

TPM's Eric Kleefeld notes the irony of the Bush administration, which proudly ignores public opinion in the United States, instructing other countries to listen to "the will of its own people." Kleefeld suggests that the administration look at "the direction of polling data at home — not to mention international opinion — showing that people want a timetable to withdraw from Iraq."

I have nothing to add to this!

...Then The Law Is An Ass!

Un-earned sense of entitlement + Judicial system =

HALL COUNTY, Ga. -- The jury has awarded a Hall County woman $150,000 after she sued her former fiance for calling their wedding off.

RoseMary Shell sued her ex-fiance, Wayne Gibbs, after he broke off their engagement in 2007.

Shell argued her fiance's promise of marital bliss amounted to a binding contract. She said she left a high-paying job in Florida to be with Gibbs and she said she has suffered financial losses since their break-up. She also said she has suffered emotionally.

Gibbs testified that he had taken Shell on trips and paid $30,000 of her debt while they were engaged. He said when he found out she had even more debt, he canceled the wedding by leaving Shell a note in their bathroom.

Closing arguments were heard Wednesday morning and the jury awarded Shell $150,000 by Wednesday afternoon.

"People shouldn't be allowed to do that and hopefully he'll think twice before he does it to someone else," said Shell.

OK, leaving a note in the bathroom was a serious douche nozzle move, I must admit, but honestly? $150,000.00? He paid of part of her previous debt and then finds out she's been hiding even more? In love, you're supposed to be honest... about the big things at least, and debt is a big thing. She claims to have left a high paying job in Florida but she still had that kind of debt. Makes you think twice.

I am sorry her feelings got hurt and all but she is a Douche Nozzle!!

I feel sorry for the juror in the video who gave in and voted with the majority to award the settlement. She clearly is unable to hold her own in a room full of idiots! Oh well.

The Douche Nozzle Of The Day award has to go to everyone involved in allowing this bullshit to go to court and then for her to actually win! Aren't judges supposed to know better than this? Isn't this why we elect them at that level?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Work titles are the "grade inflation" of adult life

I should just leave this post with the subject and let it float in the mist like a nugget of Lao Tzu. Well that's really kinda pompous of me to compare myself to that great Philosopher, but whatever.. you get my drift I think.

Grade inflation is what happens when any one or more of the following are true:

  • Parental expectations exceed the limits of their spawn's natural abilities or desire
  • Unreasonable metrics are applied to classroom performance expectations
  • Schools attempt to lure prospective students with phony claims of achievement (mostly private schools)
  • Schools attempt to make their student population look more attractive to colleges (see 3.)

All of these scenarios have one thing in common. They all exist to bolster the arguably false hopes of someone, whether students, parents, administrators, etc..

Titles in business are basically the same thing. They are a bone that managers throw at you to make you think they have real confidence in you. Conversly, they satisfy your need to feel important.

For those of you reading this, ask yourself the following question:

  • Did my promotion to Director/Supervisor/Coordinator/etc... come with a considerable pay increase?
If you didn't know that being promoted to "Director of __________," was all designed to keep ol' Lumberg from having to pay you more, sorry... you've been had!

For those of you who have been laboring with that title and doing a great job, there's more bad news for you. The proliferation of bogus job titles has peed in the pool! People with half your talents and brains are out there looking for the plum jobs that you deserve!

Hope this brightens your day!

The News Is Not Good

A striking and rather upsetting realization came to me while watching the O.J. trial and I continue to be struck by it when reading the news: In a jury trial, the most important things a lawyer can do is a: find a jury made up of the most credulous morons the municipality can dredge up, and b: repeat something as often as possible until the jury starts to believe it, based not on proof, but simply because they've heard it so many times. How fucking sad is that!

Thanks to our spineless politicians and the ad revenue-obsessed news media, the general public falls for this shit over and over because no one has the balls to call a spade a shovel.

It's a sad commentary that all these years after the dark ages and the time of kings, the jesters are still the only ones who can speak the truth without reprisals. John Stewart and Stephen Colbert deliver perhaps the most trustworthy news on television. And they thought they were doing comedy.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Blue Laws: making me feel "not so fresh"

The county in which I live is chock full of christian conservatives.  Decades ago they voted to make it illegal to purchase alcoholic beverages on Sunday, doubtless because it was "the Lord's Day."  These kinds of legislation are called "Blue Laws."
Blue laws are stupid.  There is not one good reason to have them.  I am "free, white and 21", if I want to have a malted beverage on a Sunday its no one's business.  It's also not constitutional to enact legislation that supports a groups religious beliefs.  To protect religious beliefs is different, but these laws are in essence forcing retailers to comply with the religious beliefs of a segment of society 
I can't even imagine one cogent arguement in support of these laws. 
Fortunately the county right next to us does not have the same laws.  You can buy alcohol after Noon.  Aparently it's OK to get hammered after church but not before.  This is stupid because drunk people get all maudlin and tip really well.  The drunk tithe is a tithe without consideration of tomorrow or budgeting.  I say, go for it!! 
The irony of this is that no one that I know thinks these laws are a good idea!  The politicians are all too afraid to take on any law, no matter how ludicrous, if there is the slightest chance that they might be associated with the negative aspect of it in any way.  Vote to repeal blue laws and you're an alcoholic.  Strike those laws about oral and anal sex from the books and you become a gay, child-molesting, rapist/pervert.  WTF?!?
This is Douche-baggery at its finest!!

Epic _______ = Epic Fail!!

Is it just me or is it time for the adjectival use of the word "epic" to die? The terms "Epic Win!!!" or "Epic Fail!!!" are now being attached to the most mundane accomplishments. It's gotten pretty ridiculous.

An epic win is when when the Greek army sacked Troy, or when Ferris Beuller manage to hack into the WOPR using a handset modem and a bunch of programs written in BASIC to play tic-tac-toe and change his grades. It is not an epic win if you mod your laptop to look like a Donkey Kong console.

One of my personal least favorites is when people refer to another person's post as epic fail because they don't agree with it. "Your understanding of the issues involved in hacking the X-Box are epic fail!!"

OK people! It's time to move on dot org and come up with a new term.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

July 16: The Obamas are not Muslim terrorists!!

Have you seen this photo?

Are you offended by this?  Do you think this is an insult to Muslim Americans and Michelle and Barack Obama?

If yes, then YOU are the Douche Nozzle of the Day!

Why are you the Douche Nozzle?  Because you have decided to ignore the context of this photo and be offended based on its content alone.  This image, for those of you who don't already know, is a swat on the fanny of the dipshits on the Fox TV show "America's Pulse."  Anchor E. D. Hill referred to the fist-to-fist "pound" as possibly a "terrorist fist jab."  I can think of no one in their right mind under the age of 70 who would interpret that gesture in that way.  This was clearly just another in a long string of examples where Fox uses innuendo to put ideas into the heads of its gullible viewers.

Here is the clip:

That Fox didn't terminate Ms. Hairdo for this is a crime.  But they didn't.  She made a lame apology a few days later and they "forgave" her.  Bullshit!  She probably got a bonus for slipping it in.  (that's what she said)

 Back to you and why you are a DN.  If this offends you, as I said before, this is because you have chosen to ignore the context.  If you are old enough, you were probably offended by Randy Newman's "Short People" as well.  

When exposed to something that seems outrageous you must ask yourself, "WHY it is outrageous?" In some cases it simply is.  For instance, I know a guy whose eBay acquaintance referred to himself as being "busier than a black fag at a hotdog stand."  Now that's offensive!  It's also funny as hell!  Absurdidy in abundance.  I don't think I should have to go into why this is so funny, you either get it or you don't.  

There is a sleeping Buddha, a sitting Buddha & a laughing Buddha among the others.  Life is about moderation.  Enjoy the things that are absurd.  That's what humor is all about and that's why there is a laughing Buddha.

So now I leave you with this light-hearted joke my friend told me yesterday;

What's black and blue and hates sex?

The ten year old girl in my trunk!! 

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

July 15, 2008 Jesse

Today's Douchenozzle of the day award goes to Jesse Jackson for his astounding footbullet on Fox News. (A place he should never have stepped foot in in the first place!) I am a few days behind the event but this is my first post and this still eclipses all since so...

Here's the clip: (steeples his fingers)

This blowhard has been irrelevant for 20 years! He should take his ill-gotten gains and slink off to some forgotten corner of the country where he can drink unicorn's blood to regain his powers.