Saturday, July 26, 2008

Definitive proof that Fox News is a `bottom'

I can't believe this story!  It goes beyond what I thought was feasible.
The Bush administration regularly delivered "talking points memos" to Fox news to make sure their coverage was agreeable to the White House.  As the woman interviewed points out, this is illegal.  The government is not allowed to control the press for any reason and this is exactly what they did.  On top of that, the whores at Fox went along with it. 
Did we a get a clip?  Oh ok, roll the clip Jimmy...

There are so many reasons why this is wrong I don't even know where to start.  I am far from a political alarmist, but this is cause for alarm.  A goverment that controls the press is able to bury stories, spin them however they want and spread lies.  This is the same crap that went on in the former Soviet Union as well as in countries like China, Iraq under Saddam, Myanmar, Libya, etc...
Kucinich is right!  It's time to impeach Bush regardless of how much time is left in his presidency.  We should not allow this behavior to go unpunished!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Bush is a tool and a first class NOZZLE! He is turning the government into his own little "play-thing". VERY dangerous ground we are on. The Constitution has checks and balances in place and as of late, both the Dems and the GOP have been removing those pesky little obstacles pice by piece till there will be nothing left and all we are will be sheep in a totalitarian state. Read Animal Farm and you will see what is happening. The RULES are chaging my friend...